ISO statistics show that the first 5 years of ISO 50001 standard implementation provided continuous savings of between 5% and 30% on a company's energy costs. The standard ISO 50001 was developed to establish generally accepted principles of implementing energy saving in the management practices of the companies. Implementation of the standard is possible for all organizations, regardless of their size and type of activity. The standard has a high level of compatibility with other ISO management systems.

The benefits of implementing this standard are obvious:

- Receive returns from energy saving measures in the form of financial returns;

- Increase their energy efficiency and competitiveness in the market;

- Increase the reliability of operation and capitalization of the organization.

The benefits of implementing this standard are obvious:



ISO 14001

Consultants conducted ISO studies and ISO 14001 energy management system conversion for the Venetis (Greece) bakery chain. The company is pleased with the reduction of production costs and intends to implement the action plan developed by the consultants further.